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Sunday, April 24, 2011

inviting some in, casting others out

Okay. The honest truth is that I started this blog last weekend and never finished it. Better to post it, some ideas, than nothing at all?

Today, I noticed that I have not posted a blog about my life in a while and in that feel like it is time. Except I don't know what to write. Preparing for my May 7th game day consumes my mind but doesn't make for an optimistic blog post. My facebook event has looked much the way it does since I first posted it a few weeks ago. My core family will come, the ones that come to everything, and in that is such a blessing. Nevermind that half of the friends? that I invited will not come. Nevermind that not all family that will attend have RSVPed. That would be nice but does not change the truth of their attendance. Nevermind that people not RSVPing (attendance? dish they are bringing to the pot luck) makes it extremely difficult for me to plan what I need to buy and prepare for their arrival. There ARE positives. I should just anchor my mind on them. For example, 3 FRIENDS + my lover plan to come. I question having friends cause time and time again those that I thought were my friends never came out when invited by me nor did they make it a habit to invite me out. Ever give someone a hint that you aren't really that into them? As previously noted, my family is my rock. I am so blessed to be related to such supportive and fun people. I'm also blessed that I have FRIENDS that plan to attend my shin dig. Another plus is that some people HAVE told me to expect them and what they are bringing. And really, even though it annoys me that people ask me what to bring instead of just selecting something on their own or by reading the facebook wall to pick something, it is nice that they care what I view as needed. I will proceed this week with that attitude. If they ask me what to bring, I will check the list and give them the next thing. The menu will be done. Unpacking and cleaning are probably the less than easy parts.

Tammy came this weekend but we got little unpacking done. We shopped for Administrative Assistant (5) gifts, graduation presents (2), Trevor (my fish) happiness (1), and other needed things. And we worked our arm muscles outside. We searched the car for the rodent, went to a car wash for a detailed cleaning of the car (she said it would be attracted to its scent), and cleaned out the garage and placed d-con and mouse trap glue through it and my car. I knocked down probably 30 dirt dobbler nests inside my garage and Tammy swept everything out. Tiring. Thank God for Smirnoff to help us get through the process :).

And now for the updates (actually written on May 1):
1. I am content with my party RSVPs. I still don't know who all is coming or what they are bringing, but I do know that everything but meatballs and dessert #2 (and pot roast) were claimed.
2. I have seen no signs of the rodent since Tammy spotted him last weekend. I don't know if SEEING us spooked him or if he finally took a hint. Either way, I'm glad he's staying away, though I still am not breathing a sigh of relief.
3. Tammy is with me again. She's taking her vacation in Jackson. awww.

kudos to Tammy

Right now, my girlfriend is cleaning my bathroom and I didn't even ask her to do so. She is awesome. Yesterday, she searched my car for the evil rodent that keeps getting inside of it and swept out my entire garage in case it's hiding in there somewhere. Here's my public praise to the Tam Tam.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

linking you....

One thing I want to accomplish while living in Jackson is to be healthier. I'm blogging about it here.

Can't explain why. That just tends to be my designated health-ish blog spot.

Monday, April 11, 2011

CFS article

I just read the most fabulous article: Go there and read it too. I need to explore the writer's book, How to be Sick: A Buddist Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill & Their Caregivers.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


This is my third week in Jackson. I have no real opinion on the city so far. Mostly, I go to work and come home. The last 2 weekends, I went to Memphis. I've gone to Target and Kroger twice, the Dollar General once, and the joy-- the Farmer's Market once (today). I got there late so it wasn't busy and it looked like a few vendors had left but also, it's early in the season so there's not much to buy. The big shocker of that trip? They sell oranges. I thought, "when did we start growing oranges in TN?" The vendor looked at me and said, "they're CA oranges". Still, I bought them. They were $2 for a few, no worries about having to throw some away later.

My house (rental) is starting to feel like home. But, I have A LOT of unpacking to do. Being away so often these past weeks has not helped me achieve that goal. And today's weather lures me outside to tend to things instead of being inside unpacking boxes. The house does have sounds. One night, I was up all night because it sounded like someone had come in. I need to call and have an alarm installed.

Things have been going well with Tammy lately. The last break up didn't distance us for long. I was at least partially responsible for choosing to end our relationship then, but then I decided I didn't want us to be a part.

I've been in town long enough to (1) want to find someone to clean up for me. I'm thinking once a month. I asked a few people at work if they know someone. They don't. I found a couple of options on craigslist. Any recommendations on how I can get a background check on these people? What should I consider besides price and things they don't do when talking to them? (2) I'm ready to know some people. Gigi and I haven't talked much since I got here. I sent her a message to see if she was interested in meeting up at the Farmer's Market but didn't get a response. I'm also thinking we can maybe check out the winery together but don't really want to promise out too much of my time before my game day house warming that's coming up. I did meet some college students at the Farmer's Market today. The girl got my number. She also referenced scripture. That worries me. We'll see.

Off to add food to the bird feeder.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

matthew 2:1-12

My favorite thing that I've heard about the Magi following the star to find Jesus was an old college mate's exclamation of why he believes,

"It was the Miss Cleo's looking for him!"

haha. I love that. I don't think it was exalting faith in fortune tellers but saying it had to be something special for them to stop what they were doing to explore something of a spiritual nature.

Are you now imaging Miss Cleo in the dessert looking towards a star?


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Matthew 1

Isn't this beautiful? Isn't this what so many of us believe (i.e., the point of life) but fail to BELIEVE in our daily living:

Matthew 1:21 Amplified Bible:
21She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God].

It's this version's definition of sin that excites me so. It makes my soul jump with joy. It is a sin for my soul NOT to be in Light..... I don't even know how to explain it. Perhaps you feel it too? It's like it said to me that it is sin not to follow one's course.