This is my third week in Jackson. I have no real opinion on the city so far. Mostly, I go to work and come home. The last 2 weekends, I went to Memphis. I've gone to Target and Kroger twice, the Dollar General once, and the joy-- the Farmer's Market once (today). I got there late so it wasn't busy and it looked like a few vendors had left but also, it's early in the season so there's not much to buy. The big shocker of that trip? They sell oranges. I thought, "when did we start growing oranges in TN?" The vendor looked at me and said, "they're CA oranges". Still, I bought them. They were $2 for a few, no worries about having to throw some away later.
My house (rental) is starting to feel like home. But, I have A LOT of unpacking to do. Being away so often these past weeks has not helped me achieve that goal. And today's weather lures me outside to tend to things instead of being inside unpacking boxes. The house does have sounds. One night, I was up all night because it sounded like someone had come in. I need to call and have an alarm installed.
Things have been going well with Tammy lately. The last break up didn't distance us for long. I was at least partially responsible for choosing to end our relationship then, but then I decided I didn't want us to be a part.
I've been in town long enough to (1) want to find someone to clean up for me. I'm thinking once a month. I asked a few people at work if they know someone. They don't. I found a couple of options on craigslist. Any recommendations on how I can get a background check on these people? What should I consider besides price and things they don't do when talking to them? (2) I'm ready to know some people. Gigi and I haven't talked much since I got here. I sent her a message to see if she was interested in meeting up at the Farmer's Market but didn't get a response. I'm also thinking we can maybe check out the winery together but don't really want to promise out too much of my time before my game day house warming that's coming up. I did meet some college students at the Farmer's Market today. The girl got my number. She also referenced scripture. That worries me. We'll see.
Off to add food to the bird feeder.
Thin Mint Protein Shake
[image: One mint chocolate protein shake in a glass topped with crushed
Thin Mint cookies and fresh mint. There is a green straw in the glass.]If
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4 days ago
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