The move to Jackson has been slow. I moved my furniture on Feb 25th as scheduled, but less things were packed than I had hoped (still, it was enough to horrify the movers). My mom spent 8 hours with me the day before helping me get ready for the big move. By the end of that, I was exhausted.
Friday morning, two men from Buck's Moving Services showed up to begin the load. We weren't very helpful to them and I mostly felt like I was in the way. Eventually, I just kind of gave up on helping. Unloading was more engaging as mom and I had her car to unload while the men worked on their truck and at the end we all pitched in. There was no longer this need for us to follow the order the lead mover had in mind for the unloading. Really, he pushed what he wanted us to unload the edge of his truck and we grabbed it.
My across the street neighbors have proven to be FABulous. They've helped me out in some way each weekend that I've been in town. Today, the husband even walked me in as two bad men are thought to be in my area. They escaped from prison in Lousianna but have since been spotted at the exit to my house. Apparently, my street was blocked for several days as officials search for them. There's much speculation on where they might be now, maybe still in Jackson, maybe not. My Tam Tam (we got back together last weekend) even came town with me the last two weekends. I wonder how long until they figure out our relationship. I wonder what they'll think of me then.
The packing and unpacking are going OH so slowly. I thought I would pack up everything this weekend and bring it over in my and Tammy's cars. My time at the Memphis VA has been extended another week so we just brought her car instead. We filled it and I still have plenty left. I hope it all fits next weekend. I am now amazed by how much I have, how much was stuffed in my closet. Most of what we brought down today was in my closet.
I borrowed the carpet shampooer from Dozier House because Tammy was going to clean my carpet this weekend but I have too much left for that to occur. Perhaps they'll let me keep it through next weekend as well? My aunt is scheduled to clean my apartment in 2 weeks. I'll drop my keys in the apartment's office and hope they find things to be well. There's so much to do. There are dead plants around the Jackson property that aren't mine but need to be removed. They didn't clean out the storage shed before I came. And I have a million boxes to go through in this unfamiliar place. At least I have my Tam?
April 16th looks like a good day for a house warming game day. You can all come over and see where I live, except I won't be unpacked :/
Thin Mint Protein Shake
[image: One mint chocolate protein shake in a glass topped with crushed
Thin Mint cookies and fresh mint. There is a green straw in the glass.]If
you love ...
4 days ago
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