Sunday, I went on a date with Tammy. It was fun. We hadn't really hung out with each other since Monday and somehow that seemed like a really long time ago. After a lazy morning, we headed to Bellevue Baptist to see the Singing Christmas Tree.
It was sold out. They told us they release some tickets after the show starts so we hung around in hopes of something being freed up for us to buy. Even better, a lady walked up to Tammy and gave her two tickets in the very front of the theater. Our seats were amazing. The costumes were beautiful, special effects were nice, and the whole thing was well done. It wasn't my favorite story line but I'm impressed with what a bunch of amateurs, mostly children, were able to do. I think it can fairly be called professional quality. I didn't previously realize that the church's children choir and orchestra composed the majority of the cast. I was struck by how close in age Mary & Joseph were in this version of the story though.
After The Singing Christmas Tree, we bought Christmas presents for the teenage refugee The Stone has adopted through Catholic Charities' Gifts for God's Children Christmas giving program. We got her a rocking 5x optical zoom camera that I want for myself, a SD card, and a Target gift card. I hope she likes her presents. She opted not to list any ideas on the form Catholic Charities has them feel out. Finally, we ate at Abuelos. Yum, yum. Tammy had her first Mojito there. 5 stars. You ever had that moment when your heart swells for your s.o.? I had that weekend.
Saturday, I started cleaning out my car (in the rain!) so I can have room to haul things to Jackson when the time comes. Mostly, I played games at my cousin's Cheree's that evening. Family Feud, Catch Phrase, Taboo. It was a good night.
Other foci include planning to visit Jackson on Saturday-- where to go while I'm there? I've been doing a lot of Christmas shopping and wrapping-- well, lot as in it was my focus. Mostly, I guess I've been into the same-o, same-o. Things are going well.
Oh. VA is moving slowly. I finally figured out that it took me forever to get my vetpro papers because they failed to put my apartment number on my mail. I was supposed to have 30 days to complete the package but instead I had 11. I didn't use the first 8 and now I'm freaking out because the package is due on Wednesday and I don't even know HOW to answer the things I haven't yet answered. I called the guy in HR today, the same one that screwed up my address, but didn't get an answer. I'll call again in the morning and then try some people in my department if I still don't get him. This job cannot fall through because of this package. I would be crushed.
Thin Mint Protein Shake
[image: One mint chocolate protein shake in a glass topped with crushed
Thin Mint cookies and fresh mint. There is a green straw in the glass.]If
you love ...
3 days ago
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