Must Haves:
- Communicator... I must have someone who is good at talking and listening.
- Chemistry... I must feel deeply in love with and attracted to my partner.
- Ambition... I must have a partner who shares my desire to achieve high financial and/or career goals.
- Spiritual Acceptance... My partner must accept and respect my spiritual beliefs, whether they share them or not.
- Shared Politics... I must have someone who has political beliefs which are the same or similar to my own.
- Verbal Intimacy... I must know that my partner is sharing their deepest emotional thoughts and desires.
- Affectionate... I must have someone who is comfortable giving and receiving affection.
- Industriousness... I must have someone who is willing to work hard at whatever they do.
- Kindness... I must have a partner who is gentle and kind.
- Tolerant... I must have a partner who is able to hear and appreciate divergent viewpoints.
Can't Stands:
- Pessimism... I can't stand someone who always sees the glass as half empty.
- Rude... I can't stand someone who is belittling, impatient or hateful to people in any situation.
- Anger... I can't stand someone who can't manage their anger, who yells, or bottles it up inside.
- Cheating... I can't stand someone who takes advantage of people.
- Vanity... I can't stand someone who is overly interested in their physical appearance.
- Dependence... I can't stand someone who bases their happiness on me.
- Racist... I can't stand someone who believes that any particular ethnic group to which they belong is superior to the rest of humanity.
- Lying... I can't stand someone who lies to anyone-especially to me.
- Judgmental... I can't stand someone who finds fault with everyone and everything.
- Gossip... I can't stand someone who loves to talk about other people.